Page 41 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 41

Early mornings, lots of driving, and in many cases a scramble for
            Early mornings, lots of driving, and in many cases a scramble for
            funds to ensure their children have equipment and can compete in
            funds to ensure their children have equipment and can compete in
            tournaments locally and abroad. Most parents want nothing more
            tournaments locally and abroad. Most parents want nothing more
            than to see their children succeed, Nicole Duke-Westfield tells the
            than to see their children succeed, Nicole Duke-Westfield tells the
            story of parents who sacrifice a lot to support their children’s
            story of parents who sacrifice a lot to support their children’s
            sporting dreams.
            sporting dreams.
            FOR THE LOVE OF

            THE KIDS

            It’s 5am in the middle of the week, a boy is doing laps at the   In the pursuit of excellence in competitive sport, parents
            Flying Fish Swimming Pool, Federation Park in the suburbs   play a vital role, navigating the highs and lows alongside
            of Port of Spain. There are a few other boys and girls,   their aspiring athlete. It can be a tough journey to the top of
            preparing to join in the routine as their coach gives   the medal podium. For parents, a most rewarding
            instructions. A few parents are sitting in the bleachers. It’s   experience is witnessing their child's achievements and
            a school day so some of them are holding their children’s   milestones.
            school uniforms, for when they finish their training and
            need to get ready.                                  Whether it's scoring the winning goal, breaking a personal
                                                                record, or earning a spot on a competitive team, what
            This is a scenario Mark and Candice Rivas know all too   parent doesn’t beam with pride and joy when it happens?
            well, as their sons, Christiano and Giovanni swim
            competitively with the Rivas Titans Swim Team. Mark   Past President of the National Basketball Federation of
            coaches his sons who are multiple medal holders from   Trinidad and Tobago, and owner/founder of Spartans TT,
            several regional and local meets including the Pan Am,   Garvin Warwick agrees that parental support is essential.
            Carifta and Goodwill Games.
                                                                “Parents play a crucial role in the development of their kids
            As their boys began swimming at a young age, Candice   in sport, offering the emotional support, encouragement,
            and Mark, like many parents of children involved in   and guidance needed to foster their growth, resilience, and
            competitive sport, have had their share of triumphs and   passion in sport. Parental support is also essential for
            challenges.                                         young athletes, as it provides the foundation for their

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