
Dear Friends,

Today signals the beginning of a New Year, 2010 and a new decade!

First of all, on behalf of the Executive of the TTOC, I wish to thank you all for your support during 2009, especially during the difficult period when the Caribbean Games was cancelled. It is during times like these that the values of sport and true camaraderie emerges and the sporting fraternity in Trinidad & Tobago are living exemplars of this.

As we look forward to 2010 we must continue to strive to deliver our sacred mandate, to the population of this, our great country by:
  • Creating opportunities for all citizens, especially our youth, to experience the joys of participation.
  • Using sport as a tool/agent for change in our society.
  • Instilling in our youth, the values of fairplay, respect for rules and discipline through the sporting experiences that we create.
  • Establishing a developmental pathway for the gifted and talented youth in our society that would allow them to maximize their full potential at all levels.
  • Ensuring at all times, that the above is done in harmony and unity and “for the good of the game”.
Please remember that we have been entrusted with a great responsibility, the nurturing and development of the human embodiment of spirit and this is especially evident in the leaders in our society that have emerged through the hallowed corridors of Sport. Lest we be accused of neglecting our duty by those that have gone before us and that have painstakingly carved this path for us, let us pick up the mantle and approach our future, Sport’s future, with commitment, diligence and love.

On behalf of the TTOC I wish to thank all who attended and shared with us at the 2009 Awards Function. It was truly a wonderful experience to once again “knock glasses” and celebrate with those involved and interested in making Sport the difference it can be in our society.

Best Regards & God’s Blessings

Michael Larry Romany